Monday, 9 July 2018


8th July 2018
Apostle George Kuch

*I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works. Psalm 145:5*

Some Christians get a little skeptical when you start talking about meditation; not seeing the huge distinction between biblical meditation and some types of mystical meditations. In mystical meditation, according to one explanation, the rational mind is shifted into neutral . . . so that the psyche can take over. The focus is inward, and the aim is to become one with a force believed to exist within the universe and works for those who can access it".  this is believed and said to be the most powerful force -the secret-

In contrast, biblical meditation focuses on the things of the Lord, and its purpose is to renew our minds (Rom. 12:2) so that we think and act more like Christ. Its objective is to reflect on what God has said. Learn to meditate on the word of God; the over powering manifestation or strength of the word of God beclouds the thoughts of your mind.
Speaking in tongues is the fastest way through.

1Cor14:14,15. Your spirit will be attuned to the Spirit of God. Synchronized in time and position, running in God's calendar, the Holy Ghost in paripasu with your human spirit...God's perfect will.
David wrote, *Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord."*
Psalm 19:14.

Fill your mind with Scripture and focus on the Lords commands and promises and goodness. And remember this: *Whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthymeditate on these things (Phil. 4:8).*

Of all Gods creatures, only man Can worship, meditate, and plan; The gift of thought sets him apart To love the Lord with all his heart.

Learn to meditate on the word of God; the over powering manifestation or strength of the word of God beclouds the thoughts of your mind.

JOSHUA 1:8, PSALMS 90:12,  Matthew 6:6

Lord Jesus, thank you for your enlightenment. My relationship with you is getting deeper and deeper.
The Holy Spirit is working within me to manifest your excellence. I am working in time and on calender in Jesus name
*_Join us this Wednesday at 5pm & Sunday at 9am for #BIBLE TRUTH_*
CFI Church Luzira~adjacent to Lakeside College Boda Boda stage.
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0703 133137/ 0704 585176

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