Sunday January 26th 2020.
Ap. George kuch.
🔥 *For by it (FAITH) the elders obtained a good
Hebrews 11:2 KJV
_There was nothing in
the system of this world that wasn’t
subject to Jesus. He exercised
dominion over all things. He tamed them by His
words –
faith-filled words!_
_He spoke to maimed
limbs, corpses, deaf ears, blind eyes, crippled limbs, demons of darkness,
trees and they obeyed Him._
_He tamed the laws of
nature and transcended them. He was never a victim._
_He walked on water,
spoke to the wind and calmed
the storm! When He encountered the leprous and
said, “Be clean!” the leprosy disappeared.
_ He knew who He was!
He was never afraid of
anything. Everyone wondered at Him when He
spoke. He didn’t
mince words in declaring His
identity. *He said I and my Father are one* (John
10:30); He walked in union with the Father._
_Just like Jesus, the
words we speak are spirit and
they are life (John 6:63). That means our words are
not empty. They’re
potent; they have conquering,
overcoming and prevailing power over devils,
adversities and every negative circumstance of life._
This is why it’s
so important that we talk like Jesus
by releasing faith-filled words.
_No wonder John
_*“This is the victory that overcomes the world, even
our faith”*_
1 John 5:4).
_Our faith is the
victory that overcomes the world.
Our faith has supernatural power to conquer, tame
and subdue the world._
_Hebrews 11 gives us
catalogue of faith folks - great men and women who
subdued and tamed their world by faith:_
*_“And what shall I more say? for
the time would fail me to tell of
Gideon,_* *_and of Barak, and of
Samson,and of Jephthah; of
David also, and Samuel, and of
the prophets: Who_ _THROUGH FAITH SUBDUED KINGDOMS, wrought
righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the
mouths of lions, Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the
of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed
in fight, turned to flight the
armies of the aliens”_*
Hebrews 11:32-34.
_Paul paints the
picture for us of how these men
subdued and conquered their world through faith._
_Bible history has it
that John the beloved apostle,
during the great persecution of the church, was
covered in a cauldron of boiling oil and left to die._
_But by the time all the oil burnt out, they opened
it up and were shocked to see John still alive._ _I believe
he must have pointed in their faces saying,_
is born of God overcomes the world!”_*
_Did you ever read about Samson? He tore a lion
apart with his bare hands._ _David did the same thing._
_How about Daniel? He was thrown into the lion’s
den, and guess what he did? He didn’t think about
killing the lions, rather he tamed them! Then he sat
with them and put his hands upon them._
_I’m showing
you how some of the guys from our lineage of faith subdued their world! They
dominated and conquered their world, to the point
the world wasn’t
worthy of them anymore_ (Hebrews
_By their faith, they completely overcame this physical
world to the point they just couldn’t
here anymore._ _Men like Enoch, who the Bible says_
*_“…walked with
God: and he was not; for God took
Genesis 5:24.
_That doesn’t
mean God took
his life or that he died, but that he walked by faith
and subdued this world to the extent he was literally
translated out of the world into heaven._ _How? By
_You too can do the same, and get listed in faith’s
hall of fame._
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